Thursday, July 4, 2013

Grey Squirrel Mushroom Sign

Squirrels love mushrooms.  I was lucky enough to catch sight of this one going mad in the mushroom candy store of our back yard.  Why do they never eat the whole thing?  Here's a good video of a squirrel eating a mushroom it appears to have cached under a log. Or the videographer cached it.

Note clear incisor marks on lower right.

It left this one attached to its stem, in the ground, and just took a pizza slice out of it, as well as gnawing the edge.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Red Fox Puzzle in Slick Mud

There are a lot of puncture marks here, some of which don't belong with this particular pair of feet.  Can you find the toes that go with the nails?  Can you find the heel pads?  Notice how far ahead of the toe the nails hit the mud.
This is the complete photo
I call these a front and rear because the upper track is much larger than the lower.  If you look very carefully you will find another track on the left, showing two clear nails, and one clear toe.