Monday, March 31, 2014

Squirrel Tapping Maple Tree for Sap

Squirrel species tap maples and other trees for sap, just like we do.  These taps were probably done by a grey squirrel.  Note the fresh sap running out of the wounds.

This is what a tap from previous seasons looks like.  Note the diagnositc dot-dash format, caused by one set of incisors anchoring the jaw, and the others scraping the bark.

Mouse Tupelo Seed Midden

Tucked in a very secure cave of pricker bushes, (catbriar and multiflora rose)  a mouse has taken advantage of an excellent tupelo mast year.  Note that most have two holes, a larger hole at one end, and a much smaller one at the other, where the tiny teeth gained access to the nut meat..