Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Chipmunk in the mud

Beautiful little chipmunk pattern in what must have been very squishy mud.  Fronts to the right

Fronts at bottom

 Gorgeous day on the powerline.  A rare find of a trail of chipmunk tracks. Their narrow trail width is only 2 1/4", even in this wet substrate.  4 toes in front, 5 on the rears. 

As a bonus, many of the spring flowers are out; goat's-rue, mountain laurel, (a pink variety), berries ripening on the huckleberry.  Young redtails, looking huge as eagles, whining from the towers, waiting to be fed.  Turkeys and flickers gorging on ants in the sandy road.  A glossy black racer, tasting the air as I passed.  Towhees sneaking around in the scrubby bear oak.

Racemed Milkwort  polygala polygama

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